Tennessee’s New Anti-DUI Campaign Distracts From Serious Message

tennessee anti dui campaignDrunk driving is a serious issue, and Tennessee does not take the offense lightly. A first offense carries jail time up to 11 months, penalties up to $1,500, and loss of license for up to a year. The state has spent a significant amount of money raising awareness of this issue, but a recent gaffe by the Governor’s Highway Safety Office has stirred up controversy that may cloud the message.

As part of a recent effort to target a young male demographic, the Governor’s office consigned a batch of bar coasters and posters to be distributed around the state. The advertising materials contain phrases like, “Buy a drink for a marginally good-looking girl, only to find out she’s chatty, clingy, and your boss’s daughter.” Another reads, “After a few drinks the girls look hotter and the music sounds better. Just remember: if your judgment is impaired, so is your driving.”

The Tennessean reports, “Despite what some are calling a sexist message, Charlie Bob’s waitress Tiffany Cannon, who recently found the campaign’s coasters and fliers at the Dickerson Pike bar Saturday, said the most offensive words were written below the slogan, ‘Paid for by the TN Governor’s Highway Safety Office.’”

The reaction and controversy over this recent advertising effort from the Governor’s office is drawing attention away from the real problem at hand. Despite efforts to educate and warn, and stiff penalties for driving while intoxicated, almost 30% of all traffic fatalities in Tennessee were caused by a drunk driver last year.

However, the latest campaign has failed spectacularly by offending just about everybody. According to a statement from the Governor’s Highway Safety Office, “The cost for the production and distribution of these materials was $77,096. The cost for the removal of these materials will be paid for by The Tombras Group, the Knoxville media/marketing firm that is under contract with the Governor’s Highway Safety Office.”

This move by the Governor’s office is just further proof that officials will go to any lengths to prosecute a DUI. People make mistakes, and sometimes the consequences are severe enough without legal prosecution. If you or someone you know has been charged with a DUI in Tennessee, competent and experienced legal counsel can save you money and jail time. Contact the Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates wot speak with a Franklin DUI defense lawyer today.