Frequently Asked Questions for Family Lawyers in Tennessee

Frequently Asked Questions for Family Lawyers Serving Murfreesboro, Franklin, Brentwood & Columbia, Tennessee

The Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates has represented central Tennessee residents in family law matters for more than 30 years. These clients are embroiled in highly emotional conflicts and are looking for answers and reassurance as well as decisive action to resolve their problems. Our diligent family law attorneys are ready to answer your questions, completely and patiently. We offer a free initial consultation and case evaluation, which we hope will give you some peace of mind immediately. What follows are common questions that potential family law clients ask. If you have additional questions, be sure to contact our Franklin & Columbia TN offices.

How does the law in Tennessee treat the division of property in a divorce?

Tennessee is an equitable distribution state, which means that the court decides who gets what based on its idea of fairness. The court has many factors it considers, including the length of the marriage, how the property was acquired and the health of each spouse. If you don’t want the court deciding what’s fair, you and your spouse can negotiate a property settlement and present it to the court for approval. The court generally accepts such settlements unless it suspects there’s been fraud or the result is so one-sided it would be unconscionable to enforce.

I was ordered to pay child support and alimony, but I lost my job. My ex says she’s going to report me as a deadbeat dad. What can I do?

When one party’s financial circumstances change substantially, either party to the support order can petition the court for a modification. You may be able to get a temporary stay, to avoid being labeled a deadbeat. When you’re working again, you may have to make up for missed payments. If your salary at your new job is substantially lower that your old job, the court may be willing to make a permanent modification that will reduce your child and spousal support payments.

My ex has cancelled my visitation three weeks out of four. She says my son doesn’t want to see me, but I think she’s putting the idea in his head. What can I do to see my kid?

It is a violation of your rights for your ex to interfere with your visitation schedule. Even if your child was reluctant to see you, it is her obligation to enforce child visitation. You can petition the court to enforce this order.

My wife and I are divorcing. Out of the blue she’s accused me of abuse. How will that impact our divorce?

Abuse is one of the fault grounds for divorce. The court may also consider it when dividing marital property, assigning child custody and visitation. You should immediately contact a domestic relations attorney to assert your rights and protect your good name.

Contact a family law firm who also serves Spring Hill, Murfreesboro, Lawrenceburg and Pulaski, Tennessee

The dedicated family law attorneys at the Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates are available for counsel, beginning with a free initial consultation. Call us at 615-977-9370 or contact us online.
