Can I File for Divorce Online in Tennessee?

There are plenty of websites that walk you through how to file and finalize a divorce from your partner completely online. Some say it is less stressful and keeps costs to a minimum since working with an experienced divorce lawyer is not required. However, it is not always in your best interest to have a…

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The Divorce Rate for Older Couples Is on the Rise

When couples get married, the last thing on their mind is divorce. Sure, it could happen to other people; but they never think that it will happen to them. They are so in love! Despite overall divorce rates among couples in the United States steadily declining over the years from 944,000 in 2000 to 630,505…

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Want a Successful Marriage? Turn Those Reality Dating Shows Off

There are many television shows these days that depict couples getting married or starting a relationship only days or a few weeks of knowing each other. While this makes for exciting and drama-filled entertainment, it is also setting a bad example of what relationships should look like, and how they should be handled. Marriages should…

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How to Have a Clean Divorce

When you think of divorce, your mind probably goes to the negative aspects that come with it. You may think of lengthy courtroom procedures and heated arguments. While this may be the case in some divorces, not every divorce is battle worthy of a Netflix movie. While there may be some areas of contention, there…

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In Modern Divorce, No One Moves Out

When you hear the word divorce, do you think of going to war with your ex? In today’s day and age, this is no longer the case for many couples. in fact, some couples may not appear divorced at all, because they’re still sharing the family home. A recent essay in the New York Times…

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How Will Divorce Affect Social Security Payments?

When a long-married couple divorces, finances are often at the forefront of their concerns. Will I need to go back to work? Will I be able to survive on my share of the 401(k)? Will my savings be enough? Thankfully, there is always Social Security to fall back on. But your Social Security payments, just…

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Getting Divorced When Your Spouse Has a Gambling Problem

Every married couple remembers the specific vows they took at their wedding. Each spouse vowed to remain by each other’s side until death does them part, through sickness or through health. However, married couples find themselves in situations that threaten to tear their union apart. One spouse could develop a drug addiction. One spouse could…

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What Are the Signs of High-Conflict Divorce?

There are many indicators that your divorce may be contested by your spouse. Physical abuse is the most widely recognized red flag, but there are often other signs that you could be headed for a contentious split. At the Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates, we’re ready for high-conflict cases. Often, there are…

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Why Divorces Can Be Expensive (And How You Can Reduce the Costs)

It’s rough enough understanding that your marriage has failed. You know you need to start over. You want to protect your children and yourself – financially and emotionally. It’s especially critical to be able to move a divorce quickly if a spouse is being abusive. The time to discuss, prepare, file court papers, negotiate, and…

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Showing Gratitude and Other Practical Tips to Strengthen a Marriage

Marriages have many wonderful aspects. Love. Caring. Family. Common interests and goals. Sharing experiences. One aspect that often gets overlooked is just reminding your soulmate that you appreciate everything he or she does. Especially as marriages grow into years and decades, it’s easy to take everything your spouse does for granted. Expressing your gratitude to…

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How Are 401(k)s Handled in a Divorce?

Spouses who are divorcing need to address what property should be divided and how. Common assets that need to be considered are the marital home, bank accounts, cars, businesses, personal possessions, and any assets that can be sold today. Your retirement benefits, including your 401(k), may also be considered marital property, even though you can’t…

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How to Prepare for Your Divorce Mediation in Tennessee

Mediation is commonly used in Tennessee to help resolve divorce issues including division of your property, the custody of your children, alimony, and child support. Mediation is considered a friendlier way to resolve disputes than litigation. Mediation is also less expensive and often takes less time than litigation. The mediation sessions are run by a…

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How to Keep Your Online Life Confidential During Divorce

Going through a divorce is not only fueled with a variety of emotions, but it is also driven by parties attempting to obtain evidence of wrongdoing to be used as leverage in settlement or at trial. Sometimes it’s spurred on by plain old anger as one party looks for anything that can cause embarrassment to…

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Divorce Survival – Financial and Emotional Suggestions

Divorces are rough on everyone – even when the divorce is friendly. At a minimum, a divorce means a breakup and a new beginning. At worst, a divorce completely upends your confidence and your trust. Financially, it’s always tougher for two people to live apart then together. If there are children involved, emotional and financial…

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Celebrity Divorces: Who Paid the Most to Settle?

Many celebrities enter into prenuptial agreements to avoid conflict when they divorce and to minimize the amount they have to pay. Without a prenuptial agreement, celebrities can be ordered to pay large settlements. As a general rule, prenup agreements don’t include child support because the rights of the child to support can’t be bargained away.…

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Only Trust a Divorce Attorney to Craft Your Prenuptial Agreement

Getting married is exciting, and doing paperwork is not. But no matter how much you have to your name, or if this is your first marriage or your fifth, you should always consider creating and signing a prenuptial agreement. Prenups, though often maligned, are really useful and important tools for ensuring that your family and…

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Who Can Benefit Most from Collaborative Law?

Collaborative divorce is a non-conventional way to move forward with illegal divorce. It allows both parties to resolve their differences and bring a dissolution to the marriage without much involvement by the court. For many, this alternative to a traditional divorce process is less stressful and less expensive, both financially and emotionally, to the entire…

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Division of Property Rights When Spouses Own Investment Properties

There are many different types of investment properties that earn an income: rental properties, condos, apartments, stocks, and many other types of real and personal property. Some of the investments provide a little extra cash for the owners. Other investments provide a livelihood. Some require extensive management such as making repairs and collecting rents. Other…

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