What Kind of Technology Can Legally be Used in Family Law Matters?

What Kind of Technology Can Legally be Used in Family Law Matters?Have you ever been in such a relationship where you want to end things as quickly as possible? With today’s technology it is easy to break things off with your significant other if you aren’t married. You can send out an email, shoot them a text, or even simply leave a voicemail for them to listen to at a later time.

The ease of not having to break things off with someone face-to-face makes this method popular. In fact, women in Saudi Arabia can be notified of their divorce via text message in an effort to stop men ending marriages without informing their wives.

The divorce notifications in Saudi Arabia

This new effort went into effect earlier in January 2019 and the messages are being sent by the Saudi courts. A statement from the Ministry of Justice said that this new practice is being done in “a step aimed at protecting the rights of female clients, and enhancing digital transformation with more services.” When a Saudi woman receives the text message it will include the divorce certificate number as well as the name of the court where she can obtain all of the documents related to the divorce. There is also a website set up where divorcing women can check on the status of their divorce, probate, and other issues related to their marriage.

Now, divorce by text isn’t very likely to come to Tennessee – but that doesn’t mean the concept couldn’t prove useful here or elsewhere. For example, if a woman is being abused by her husband and wishes to file for divorce, the courts and local law enforcement will do what they can to protect her and her children. However, if it were possible to handle everything via computer or text message, the woman seeking divorce could avoid having to go to court, or could provide her testimony from an undisclosed location. In some cases, this may be a safer option than what the courts currently have in place.

As far as using tech to help with your divorce, though, there are plenty of other options and services already in place:

Video chatting for virtual visitation

A popular new method sweeping the family court system across the country is what’s known as virtual visitation. Virtual visitation is a method for non-custodial parents to spend time with their children when they are either traveling for business or who live far away from them. It is not meant to be a replacement for physical visitation and interaction with the children. This technology has become popular because of its affordability, ease of access, and acceptance by parents and courts. Virtual visitation affords non-custodial parents the opportunity to sing to their child at bedtime, help with homework, and much more.

Direct deposit for child support and alimony

Many former spouses have been receiving their child support and alimony payments via direct deposit for years now. Ever since direct deposit became a payroll option in businesses the courts have acknowledged this payment method for those on the hook for these responsibilities. Receiving child support and alimony payments via direct deposit makes it much easier on the recipient since the money will arrive on the same date every month without having to visit the bank.

Emails can stem the tide of arguments

Email has become a go-to method of communication for millions of people worldwide. Divorcing or already divorced parents can use email as a way of avoiding arguments. If you know you cannot have a civil conversation with your former spouse in front of the children, take it to email. Your children won’t see or hear you fight, and they won’t know the topic of conversation.

The Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler is here to support your needs at every step of your divorce. To schedule a consultation with an experienced divorce attorney in Franklin, Columbia or Brentwood, please call 615-977-9370 or complete the contact form.