“Hands Across the Border” and the DUI Checkpoint

Tennessee took steps last month to pass the DUI Recidivism Act, which allows judges to assign mandatory drug and alcohol counseling and treatment for repeat offenders. But the newest campaign, “Hands Across the Border” (or “Hands Across Borders,” depending on who you ask) shows us a crackdown on DUIs that seems more in style with…

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In Tennessee, a DUI Requires a Motor Vehicle

In certain parts of the country, you can receive a DUI / DWI for operating any kind of vehicle – including a bicycle. In Tennessee, however, DUIs are exclusive to motorized vehicles. This includes: Riding a lawnmower Riding a motorcycle Riding a moped Driving a car or truck Riding a scooter Driving an ATV Driving…

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Your DUI Penalties May Last as Long as Your Criminal Record

It’s a common misconception that getting a DUI in Tennessee is like getting a traffic ticket: once your time is up, so to speak, the charge fades from your record. This is patently untrue. A DUI in Tennessee stays on your criminal record forever, unless your criminal defense lawyer can have it expunged – and…

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Reinstating Your Drivers license After a DUI

If you’re convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Tennessee, it can result in numerous penalties including jail time and fines. One of the biggest daily life changes to occur as a result of a DUI conviction is the revocation of your drivers license. Your license may be revoked from one year to more…

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