Fight Back against Domestic Abuse with an Order of Protection

If someone you know has caused you harm, whether it is physical, mental, emotional or sexual, there are ways for you to fight back. You are not alone. Tennessee has laws and groups that can help you.

In Tennessee, domestic assault is any form of abuse between adults or minors who:

  • Are current or former spouses
  • Are dating or have had a previous sexual relationship
  • Are current or former house mates
  • Are related by blood or adoption
  • Are or were previously related by marriage

If you do not feel safe, you can seek a protection order that, in Tennessee, protects against domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

For the purposes of getting an order of protection, domestic abuse is defined as:

  • Physical harm
  • Threat of physical harm
  • Imprisonment or other physical confinement
  • Malicious destruction of property
  • Attempted or actual injury to a pet

What does an order of protection do?

There are two types of protection orders:

  • Temporary Protection Orders (TPO) are short-term and are meant to protect you until a hearing can be set to issue an extended protection order. A TPO lasts for 15 days or until the full hearing and can be issued without the abuser’s knowledge and without their presence in court.
  • Extended Protection Orders (EPO) usually last for up to a year and are issued after a full court hearing. They offer a wider range of protection than a TPO. If necessary, you can request an extension of the order of protection before the expiration date.

An order of protection can stop your accused abuser from threatening, stalking, communicating with or assaulting you, and gives law enforcement the authority to act on any violations. It may also prevent them from gaining custody of your children, although an order of protection for you does not extend to your children. To protect your children, you must contact the Juvenile Court.

There are resources for you if you believe you are in an abusive situation. To be absolutely safe, you should contact an attorney who is familiar with domestic violence cases and will walk you through the protection process. At the Law Offices of Adrian H Altshuler & Associates, we have more than 20 years of experience handling domestic violence in Tennessee. We will put our knowledge to work for you.