Divorce and the Rising Cost of College

Paying for college tuition can be a controversial topic. Depending on the child’s age when their parents get a divorce, the question of how parents will cover their child’s college expenses or even if they will help their child pay for their college tuition is an issue that should be included in divorce negotiations regardless…

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Knowing Your Options: Legal Separation vs. Divorce

In Tennessee, couples have two options: divorce or legal separation. Which option is best? The decision between divorce and legal separation depends on your personal situation. In a divorce, all marital rights are terminated. A divorce is only declared on grounds or irreconcilable differences (known as no-fault divorce). There are many grounds available including: Abandonment…

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Five Tips for the Newly Divorced

If you are newly divorced, you’re probably overwhelmed with all of the changes going on in your life. Step back, take a deep breath, and develop a plan to secure your future. Here are five steps you and your divorce attorney can take right now to make sure your new life is on the right…

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